
Help us!

Help Us!

Running a site such as this one is not cheap, to be perfectly candid. We receive a lot of traffic, and I have to pay for the bandwidth and web server space required to run this site.

I do NOT want to turn this site into a subscription, pay-for-access site. I want to keep it free. That’s the spirit in which it was conceived and built, and I am committed to try and keep it that way.

This said, donations are always welcome if you feel that what you received by visiting this site was of value to you. You can use Paypal to send whatever you feel is right to this email address: mojo at mojocaster dot com. If you do, please indicate your forum name, and a quick note as to why you felt like contributing to the site! And please do accept my thanks.

I don’t expect members to donate their hard-earned cash to support this site, though it’s always appreciated. There are other ways in which you can help! You can link to this site from your site, for example. Or you can become a video contributor by providing your own video lessons. Being active in the forum by posting is also a fantastic and efficient way to help!

If you want to advertise on this site, please contact me. If you see advertising on this site, support our advertisers!

If you want to write some articles to be published on the site, that would be great as well. I am willing to think outside of the box and be creative, so don’t hesitate to approach me and let me know what ideas you have! Feedback is always welcome, and so are creative minds.

Thanks for making this site possible. The best way for you to help is to come and visit this site often. And if you see value in it, and I sincerely hope you will, please spread the word! Tell your musician friends about us!

My thanks again,


  1. do you have the songs on a chord chart? Just beginning and seem to be a better visual learner. Great website. Jamie

  2. Hey Sir!!

    One thing you might want to look at doing to help cover costs is to get a google account and place adwords ads on your site “adsense” you can make some decent money at it if you have lots of traffic. If you need any other help with wordpress or tips, fire me an email – I use wordpress for a living!!

    also, my girlfriend who uses this site wants to know where the “f” cord lesson is?

  3. Great Site. I like the “new” look and the small video clips are great. The blues licks in E, ala “Mojo’s Boogie” are right up my alley. Thanks for your hard work and devotion to helping the rest of us. It seems like it was easier to donate in the past. Did you previously have a direct link to Paypal? I’ll give your above mentioned instructions a try and see if I can make that work.
    Thanks again,

    • Thanks for the feedback, I will see what I can do! 🙂

  4. hey mojo!
    i thought you had some bob seger songs on here but can’t find them anymore? any chance you would through a couple on???? night moves and you’ll accompany me?
    your awesome! thanks.

  5. i cant find the chord chart anywhere????????????????????????????pls help!!!

  6. Hi mojo,

    I’m from mexico and i was wondering if you can tell me how do you record you lessons, i mean, what wind of microphone do you use or if you plug your guitar to a computer, etc.

    Thanks a lot.

    • Just an old Sony Mini DV camera, that’s it 🙂

  7. Mojo,
    I am new to your site and think it will be a fantastic aid in learning to actually play the guitar rather than just making noise. My only problem is that the space I have for practicing does not have internet access. Is there a way to download your videos? that would make things really great for me. Thanx for your great videos….


  8. some chuck berry please

  9. hello Mojo,

    I am new on your site and a new guitar player. I have learned a couple songs from your site, knocking on heavens door and wonderful tonight. please show me and all the other fans how to play, Working Man Blues, by Merle Haggard. I think it is only 3 cords maybe 4, please help me out. Thanks a lot. carey

  10. heyy .. i liked the idea of your website
    it contains many vidoes and stuff to help
    .. but i’m a beginer in the whole guitaring thing .. and have no time to go to guitar classes for basic lessons
    so can u please shoot some videoz about this topic” beginer guitar basics lessons”
    i would be thankfull

  11. Hey Mojo I love your site , I am just starting to learn , I love the song What you give by Tesla..can you cover that one sometime ??

  12. Hey mojo i think your videos are really helpful and i was wondering if you could play sweet child o’ mine by guns n’ roses?

  13. Hi: I’ve been trying for about 2 weeks to play “Layla”. I’m sort of getting it but I’m finding the video on you tube confusing in spots. For the most part your video has been awesome, I tried others and couldn’t even get past the opening. Sometimes you repeat or correct you instructions and I get confused. During the opening is it: a(open), a(3rd fret), AD(open), d(open), a(3rd fret), a(1st fret), a(1st fret), d(open), after this part I get a bit confused on what you are saying ?d(open)?, a(3rd fret), d(open), a(open), a(3rd fret), a(4th fret).
    Then I go strum C#m, G#m, c#m, c, d or is it Dm, e, e7. What is the stumming pattern for this? This is as far as I’ve gotten. I’m just getting back into playing the guitar after a couple years of not playing at all. I also play a classical and I have a oddly small hand which makes it harder for me. But I’m determined to play this.
    Please help. Jan

  14. Can you do a video on how to play “torn” by creed ?

  15. Man – you have some great stuff for an old head learning to play!! Thanks! How can I support your efforts – contributions?

  16. How about some pink Floyd or Gilmour. I’ve been studying his tabs but need to play along with your instructions.


  17. Dear Mojo,
    I want to thank you for your site…it is because of you that I am finally able to fulfill a life long dream of playing the guitar.

    I was always a work-a-holic and never found the time, until one day time found me striking me down with Full Cardiac Arrest…it could only have been Divine Intervention that brought me back from the dead, along with the kindness of another human being for the CPR he performed on me until the ambulance arrived to shock me. This was not the only shock that I received that day but I am grateful none the less.

    I cannot work as I did before, and I now live off of disabiltiy, so all that money that I made before that was so important to me, means nothing to me now. I have discovered the true beauty in this world, along with the beautiful music of playing the guitar…and for that I have you to thank.

    So thank you Mojo for allowing me to fulfill a dream while time is still on my side.


  18. hi can you please help we with you give love a bad name by bon jovi thanks

  19. Hi Mojo,
    Cela fait pas mal de temps que je m’inspire de vos videos. Je suis un petit amateur de 52 ans sans prétention. Je me suis offert une seagull que j’adore. Je regrette pour elle qu’elle ne soit pas mieux utilisée mais…
    Quoi qu’il en soit, je viens de visiter votre site avec ma fille (qui est aussi ma traductrice)et je me suis dit qu’il fallait que je vous remercie pour votre gentillesse qui traverse l’écran et mettre en avant votre talent.
    Je souhaite vous faire une souscription mais j’ai pas bien compris la méthode.
    J’attends votre mail (en français ?)
    merci mille fois

    • Merci pour le message, ca me fait toujours plaisir de converser avec des francophones 🙂

  20. mini dv is a good way to store video information but flash cards are getting bigger in capacity too ”

  21. Love what you do with the guitar and how you break things down so beginners can understand.

    Any way you could post some Eric Church? Interests are “Love your Love the Most”, “Hell on the Heart”, “Guys like me”, or “How ‘Bout You.”

    THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!

  22. How can I contribute $$ to you if I don’t have a PayPal account (and I don’t want one)?

  23. You are a hoot and a fine musician.
    Well done and you have admirable motivation.

    Thank you,
    Mike Paulson

    PS Are you Canadian?

    • Thanks for the kind words. And no, I am not Canadian – but I *am* French 🙂

  24. Hey Mojo,
    Fellow Mainer here and love the sight, would love it if you could do a video for “Lost in this moment” by Big and Rich it’s my wife and I’s wedding song and would love to play it for her on our anniversary…keep up the good work.

    • Great idea! Don’t be a stranger, I play live around Southern Maine every week, so feel free to drop by!

  25. MOJO, love your site. Can you teach Blake Shelton’s “Who are you when I’m not looking”. In his video looks like capo in the 2nd and finger pickin DGA etc. I would love to learn this song, thanks.

    • That’s a great song. I”ve never played it before so I’ll have to figure it out 🙂

  26. Hello MOJO,
    Trying to figure out the chords for “BACCO PER BACCO”. Not having any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  27. Does anyone out there know how to play “Trouble on the Line” by Loretta Lynn (off of Van Lear Rose -the album she did with Jack White a few years back). I am a beginner and have yet to master trying to play by ear, so any help figuring out how to play this song would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  28. Does anyone out there know how to play “Trouble on the Line” by Loretta Lynn (off of Van Lear Rose -the album she did with Jack White a few years back). I am a beginner and have yet to master trying to play by ear, so any help figuring out how to play this song would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  29. Hey Mojo, I love what you are doing. Just found your site and am enjoying watching you. I am 58 yrs young and I used to play guitar as a teen but have pretty much forgotten everything I knew, guess age does that. After watching your lessons I have the bug to try it again. I have no guitar ans so am thinking about buying one. I want an electric again but am not sure of what to get. I am not rich si I can’t afford the best but am hoping you can tell me what is a decent one to buy along with an amp.


  30. Mojo!
    I think it is so cool that you support Guitars for Vets. I started the Colorado chapter, and now we have a new chapter in Colorado Springs, run by Ajrn Paulson. He supports the vets at Ft. Carson.

    All the Best,

  31. you should put bless the broken road
    by rascal flatts on here
    thanx for all the free info too guys!!

  32. When i actually enjoy whatever you submit right here. Very useful in addition to smart. Just one concern though. I’m running Firefox having Debian in addition to elements of this present structure portions undoubtedly are a very little wonky. When i understand it’s an excellent typical established. But it’s an issue to help hold in the mind. When i wish so it will probably guide in addition to keep the top rated excellent publishing.

  33. Hi Mojo just found your site, I admire your approach. I’ve been playing on and off for 35 years, I just learn song by song and this site suits my approach. I mostly work things out myself, and apply my own style, but sometimes it’s a great help when someone’s done the hard work for you. I play acoustic and sing a bit, and hope to start posting some on my own site. I’ll give a link for now, but being that it’s early days and I don’t get much traffic probably not much help. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep returning.

  34. you should put a search bar on the site so people con search your archives

    • There is already one, under the “search this site” heading on the left margin 🙂 Thanks for the feedback,though! Be well.

  35. Hi Mojo, I heard a tale about you losing your home.
    I pray that this was not true.
    I have been out of work since Dec 2008, it’s been 2 1/2 years w/o a job. I just accepted an offer from NY Life and just passed my State’s lic. exam. If it wasn’t for your three teaching sites I would have lost it. Learning to play my Guitar has kept me sane. As soon as I have a steady $$ again I will be donating to your cause. Please let me know how,
    I don’t use Paypal.
    This really bummed me when I was told.
    I pray it was not true.
    Sincerely, Bertman

  36. Mojo,

    I enjoy your watching your videos and they helped me learn to play the guitar better. At this time I do not have a computer and I wanted to know if you our able to put them on a disk and if you are able to I will make a donation or I will buy them. 10 songs would be greatful.

    Thank you,




  38. Mojo, Told you before I love you site. However I am an out and out beginner and would love to play your blues rifts. Any chance of some tabs?

  39. Dear Mojo,
    this site that you are fulling is amazing, one song that i would like to request is imagine by mercyme. im planning on proposing to my long time girlfriend, and i plan on (well hoping) to sing/ play the song to her before i propose.

  40. Found some Gary Allan on here but not the song i’m looking for. ould you see about doing a video of A showman’s life on here? Thanks!

  41. Hey, Great site! Your help is truly appreciated. I am writing this not to complain, but to point out an error that I found in a video lesson – I would like to correct this so that it helps anyone else using that lesson. It is Eric Clapton’s unplugged version of Layla – during the lesson you make reference to a B flat chord in the verse which is actually a B chord. In the chorus, the B flat chord is missing altogether from the lesson. It took me a bit to figure it out on my own, but it is a very good way to learn. Sometimes, figuring stuff out yourself is better than someone showing you everything, but it’s nice to have someone there to get you started.

  42. Mojo,
    I’ve learned a lot in the last 2 years from your site. Just picked the guitar up at that time. I’m having a hard time though, with “Who You’d Be Today” video. The strumming pattern becomes obvious at the end of the video but for some reason I’m having a hard time picking it up where you are in the pattern when you play the song. To me it’s hard to follow even though the pattern is explained at the end. Any way you could go through it slower and show when you change chords? Thanks

  43. Great instruction. Best of luck to you.

  44. The site didn’t change for awhile. I pay a visit every few days and look for new classrooms. I hope you get back on wheels with new videos soon.

    Great site btw

    Qc, Canada

  45. Hi, Mojo I am new to your site but it has been a great help so far from the charts to the videos. I travel alot so it worked out well I can now play 5 songs thanks to you. How ever there is a song i could really use a video for Eric Church Jack Daniels. I would really appriate a vid for that.

  46. Fantastic site and resource – I’d like to buy you a beer (with a bit of luck I’ll get beer in return for playing a few of these). Good work and thanks!

  47. Just wanted to say thanks man started playing like for years ago and taught myself. Your site was the first I came across back then made me the player I am today.

  48. Thank you MOJO !
    Your site is terrific, I was finding guitar practice hard and I did not like the sound I was making on my guitar. I went through a lot of search and since I am hooked to your website on am having fun. I truly enjoy what you do. I cannot wait to get better at my new hobby.
    You are a great person.
    Thanks !
    from: Montreal (Quebec) Canada

  49. I can’ figure out how to donate!

  50. Mojo, Thanks for everything. I’m a slow learner but love your videos. Inspirational.

  51. Hey MOJO
    Love the site and the lessons are super…i am a big Brad Paisley fan and would love for you to teach his song Eastwood if any way possible…keep up the awesome work brother.

    Willie B

  52. This particular blog, “Help us! Three Chord Guitar” ended up being terrific.
    I’m printing out a clone to demonstrate to my personal colleagues.
    Thanks a lot-Erick

  53. Great site mojo! I’m glad I found it. You have great teaching ability. I have only been playing for 5 months. I Have progressed very quickly as guitar is now my passion and I practice un-ceasingly. However, I have discovered that i have a fear of learning bar chords. I just can’t figure out how to do them or how to practice them. Do you have any videos on this subject, or could you make one? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  54. My girlfriend really wants me to learn brad paisly little moments and you broke it down amazingly any chance you could put the chords over the lyrics so I can learn it easier?

  55. Awesome site I’ve learned a lot keep pumping out the waylon, I’m a huge fan of the outlaws,waylon,willie johnny,kris I Love it please keep it going!!!

  56. Hey Mojo. Been coming to your site for years. Thanks for everything !

    Would it be possible to work up an easy 3 chord version of sweet baby james ? My wife loves that song.

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